2020 is here and we’re ready for it! In the past you may have landing on our previous company web page, Epic Print Solutions, but this is a new year and a new us. In 2020, we’ll be bringing more of our classic customer service with a plethora of additions in our branding and graphics departments. With that being said, here’s 3 branding trends that you won’t want to miss for the new year.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
– Eleanor Roosevelt
The 80s (and to some extent the 90s) are back with neon pop colors. This doesn’t mean you need to replace all of your brand colors, and you shouldn’t unless you’re doing a rebranding. But a neon pink or blue could be just the spark that your company needs.
If you can dream it, you can do it.
– Walt Disney
Secondly, a trend that’s been around for a few years now is the simplification of your brand. Whether that’s simplifying your logo (ala American Express), or cutting out the clutter on your digital profiles or print collateral. Simplification can help your customers understand exactly what you’re doing and make better, easier decisions when they choose to purchase.
Last but not least, a trend that will never die is being customer focused, at all times. The old adage of the customer is always right is (we don’t know how else to put it) old. but the philosophy hasn’t changed. If you keep your customer as the center focus and don’t wane from it, then you’ll be setup for a rock solid 2020.
If you have any questions or just want to say hi, feel free to comment below or reach out on our contact page.